Sunday 14 March 2010

it's been a long time people!!

hello everyone!! we've been told on the phone that everybody's been desperately awaiting the next update so here it is! sorry about the delay we've either had no time at all to go on the computer or, when we've had time there is no computer in sight!!
Currently we're sat in our hostel in a place called Rainbow beach. I'm going to put our itinery on here before i (Becky) blabber on so that you all know where we've been and where we are going in the next week.

2nd. Cairns
3rd. Cairns - Townsville
4th. Magnetic Island
5th. Magnetic Island
6th. Townsville - Airlie Beach
7th. Whitsundays
8th. Whitsundays
9th. Whitsundays
10th. Airlie Beach - Kroombit Cattle Station
11th. Kroombit Cattle Station - Rainbow Beach
12th. Fraser Island
13th. Fraser Island
14th. Rainbow Beach
15th. Rainbow Beach
16th. Rainbow Beach - Byron Bay
17th. Byron Bay
18th. Byron Bay - Surf Camp spot X
19th. Surf Camp spot X - Sydney
20th. Sydney
21st. Sydney
22nd. fly to New Zealand!!

right so i'm going to give a very basic rundown of what we've done as that's a whole 2 weeks of stuff there!!
On our way to our first destination we stopped off at a crocodile farm where there was a bunch of crazy men inside the corc cages basically dancing with death, oh and we got to feed kangaroo's who are a bunch of crazy critters, their front legs are so funny they just hang there, it's so hard to describe but they are amazing!
Magnetic island was really cool, i very small island where we actually got to watch the moon rise which was amazing we'd never seen anything like it. We also got to hold a koala and a wombat which are possibly some of the sweetest creatures ever, especially when the wombats name is wombalina!! we also went on a walk around forts from a war which was spooky and oh so very hot. We also experienced the most scary thunderstorm ever in existence, not even joking people, the walls were shaking!! but apart from that it was all good fun!!
Whitsundays was possibly one of the best things we have done. We can both say we've benn snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef and Rachel can say she's dived (lucky bugger). I can't even really describe how fun this was so you can ask us when we get home!
The Cattle Station on the other hand wasn't so good, this is a compulsory overnight stop as otherwise we wouldhave been on a bus for more than 24 hours. I personally didn't like it as they were quite cruel to the animals but seriously, they say people from Bristol are country bumpkins then these people seriously need to go to Kroombit! Oh and the highlight was when a grasshopper decided to fly into my nose and hang on with it's nice pointy claws, charming.
I should at this point mention #3 who was at this point our driver from the Oz experience for 3 days, Rachel likes #3 just a little bit and had a dream that his real name was Stan Fernandez. Oh on the subject of Rachels dreams she keeps waking up in the middle of the night thinking she is covered in bugs or has to be somewhere, apparently in the whitsundays she tried to wake me up in the middle of the night panicking we were light to watch tv (ooookayy) but luckily i was out like a light.
Back to what we've been doing next was Fraser Island where it absolutely chucked it down, standing on top of a cliff in torrential rain and strong winds isn't the most pleasant of things to do. But we did get to see a real life shipwreck and the lakes are pretty amazing (when it's sunny). In one of the ones i swam in i was surronded by those fish that you pay to sit with in Spa's that eat off your dead skin. Fraser island by the way is a really big sand mass apparently the island is 98% sand and one of the harshest environments to be in. oh and we got to see wild dongo's which is cool/
We're currently in Rainbow beach which is litterally nothing more than a beach and our hostel. Yesterday morning we fed a wild dolphin which was pretty cool.
Which brings me up to today, i have to be quick the internets going to go soon, but we've just tried to organise the kiwi experience for NZ and basically STA didn't tell us but we can't do our bus pass the way we planned so we're going to have to catch yet another flight in the middle of our trip for us to be able to do it properly. bugger.
i'll explain more when i have a chance but i really have to go, ruddy internet.
Hope this is a decent enough post seeming as we've been pretty crappy with keeping it up to date recently!! Bye everyone!

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