Thursday 25 February 2010

Borneo and our day of airports.

So I (Rach) am writing this from Sinagpore! Between the last post and now we've been to Borneo!
We arrived at our hotel (yes, hotel very posh) and it was amazing! It reminded me of the hotel that we stayed in in Bangkok, although we were the only backpackers we saw then entire time we were there, everyone else were business men. So we put our bags down and went on a search for the post office (I had loads of postcards to send and becky had a package to send home) the area (Sandakan) where the hotel was wasnt the nicest, we were also trying to look for a restaurant to eat in that night but couldnt find 1 restaurant anywhere. So we were walking for waht seemed like ages and finally gave up after not finding it and went back to the hotel for tea. Then next morning we had our FREE breakfast then got in a taxi to take us to the postoffice (which turned out was literally around the corner from where we'd walked to the day before) and then onto Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (apparently there was a documentary about it on tv last year). We got there at 11:30am not knowing that it didnt open until 2pm, so went on (yet another) jungle walk to kill time. We then bought our tickets at 2pm and were able to go onto a platform to look at some orangutans - they were amazing, it felt like we were watching tv but at the same time it didnt. They moved really weirdly like they didnt have any bones, we got to see a mother and baby too! We spent over an hour watching them before leaving at 4pm and getting in the taxi (who'd been waiting all afternoon for us) and went back to the hotel to have a very unsuccessful Chinese meal ('does this have meat?' *checks with the chef* 'no, it doesnt have meat' *brings out noodles, with chicken*) they wont be asking us back. Then the following day we left for Turtle Island. We were driven to the jetty where the speedboat! left in the morning (very james bond) and we arrived at the island at 10:30am. Only a maximum of 50 people can take part so we were really lucky to get a space. We spent the morning on the beach, where I went into the sea, washing my suntan lotion off and proceeded to burn my entire body, what an idiot. The beach was amazing it looked like something from a film - it was deserted with warm water and white sand (jealous?) then went for lunch and spent the afternoon on the beach too. (Our first beach day since we arrived) Then in the evening we ate then had to wait until the ranger shouted 'Turtle Time!' about an hour later, meaning we could go down onto the beach to watch a mother turtle laying eggs, which was really strange to see, I didnt realise how big the turtle would be. The ranger then gathered the eggs and took them to be buried in the turtle centre until they were ready to hatch (they do this to save them from predators on the beach taking them). We were then able to see them realise 45 newborns - they were so tiny and cute! They were all in a basket and then ran into the sea (they wouldve only been born about an hour before!) Then we slept in our (rather nice) chalet and we up at 5:45am to have breakfast at 6:30 to get onto the speedboat again at 7am. We were then taken to Sandakan airport where we then flew to Kuala Lumpur airport, had to wait for 3-4 hours before we then got on another flight to Singapore! Which is where we are now, staying at a really nice hostel called 'Hangout @ Mount Emily.' We have 3 full days here before we fly to Australia on monday!! Time is going so quickly!

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