Saturday 13 February 2010

Leaving Thailand

Ok, so Flight Of The Gibbon was amazing! It's basically loads of zip wires, bridges and absailing routes across the top of the jungle. We were picked up at 9:30am just after brekkie and when the guy opened the door Rach (me) said 'OH MY GOD there's other people in there!' (no jokes) this was the first thing that we've booked which actually involved other people taking part too!! How exciting. We drove for like 1 and a half hours to a jungle somewhere, with a maniac driver who kept gobbing all the way (nice), until we got to the site. Rach was scared (as per usual) and even more so after we were fitted with our rather atractive harnesses turning our shorts into hotpants. Our 2 guides were called North and Typhoon - im guessing made up names?! (although rach had thought it was North and Monsoon for the entire trip) who were really funny and spoke amazing English. The first zip wire was terrifying (oh, in all of the pictures we only look about 8 feet from the ground but we promise we were 50 metres up) but afterwards it was so much fun! It took about 2 and a half hours all together and we were driven to a waterfall on the way back which was lovely.
Next day we had to leave thailand forever, we got picked up at 8:15am to get started on our
more than 24 hour journey to Malaysia. (We've been in 5 modes of transport in one day - knackered.) The minibus dropped us to the airport, where we had a 50 minite flight back to bangkok where we started our travels, followed by a taxi ride across the city to the train station. Our train ride was 23 hours, we slept on it which was actually pretty cool and very comfy. But the food was horrible, well Becky liked the vegetarian option but mine was vile. We got some decent photos of the inside of the train and our seats/beds. We got to the Malaysian border at around 8am, had to take everything off the train just so they could look at our passports and stamp them and sort of search through our stuff but not really. We eventually got to Butterworth station at 2:15pm (exactly 23 hours after we'd started) and it was HOT, like really sticky. We got a taxi to our place, which is less than nice. We're in Chinatown in Penang. Chinese new year is tomorrow (14th) so all the restaurants and stuff are shut for 3 days so we were starving and went to get an Indian from this really weird place full of pervy old men. We've been to the 7/11 twice already to stock up on bread, Oreos and crisps so dont worry we wont starve! Oh and we're both craving our mum's mash potato. We havent had any potato the entire time we've been away. Anyways, so now we're looking at how we're going to leave Penang, and when, to get to Kuala Lumpur. We'll keep you updated when we decide what to do. Happy Chinese New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pics,slept in your bed last night, very comfy, I snuggled up to Bungo. We had lovely time at party. Potates being mashed as I write (Mum said to tell you) Should you want to bring me a Buddha or two I wouldnt mind. Take care,have fun. Much love, Granny.
